Thursday, 16 June 2016

How to Avoid Pitfalls While Naming Companies House During Search

Checking a company name is essential when you are selecting a name for your house of company. It is a thorough check which can inform you of relevant restrictions legally, and also allow you to solve them in your quest for the perfect name. Instead of performing the process for the name you want, you should perform this process on every candidate name that you propose for company name during the naming process. As there is nothing more awful than coming to know that the name you’ve been thinking of from too long has been taken or is restricted.

In this article, I’ll discuss how to perform the process and make sure you get the desired name.

Tip 1 . Summary

In this summary, you need to perform these name check while comprehensive companies house search.

  1.  You should check whether the name is available or not. 
  2.  Next, you should ensure that your name is not any sort of registered trade mark in relation to services or products that you are going to provide. 
  3.  Also, ensure that the name doesn’t get used by any of competitors in the area.

What if Company Name is Taken ?

Two companies can’t be registered with the same name in companies house. Check whether your proposed name is available or not. Sometimes company houses also reject some names because they are quite alike to one of their registered names. This can be the first element of your search.

Adding a Suffix

The suffix which would be added to the name of your company depends on what sort of company you are forming. In most of the cases, it can be Ltd or Limited. But it can also Public Limited Company ( PLC ), Community Interest company ( CIC ) or some other depending on country. Also, note that suffixes should be added anywhere in name except in the end. Ensure that your checking process also takes care of this check.

Offensive Words

If your company name has words such as British, International etc, you would certainly need to comply with some conditions and also ask for appropriate permissions from authorities.

Also, your name might also get refused if it has some sort of offensive words in its name. It is also a criminal offense and companies house will surely refuse to register.

There are several tools that check the availability of the name for both of these criteria.

Don’t forget about trade marks
Also check the database of trade marks, as they are different from company names and are not contained in same database.

If you find that someone has registered the name you proposed , it means that it covers some of the goods and services which you might provide. If you still propose it as name, it might infringe their trade mark. This is why you should consider choosing different name.

Naming company isn’t easy, it is a time taking yet important process.

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